We will be wearing a mask during your visit and require that you do the same!
Patients that we are not able to see (per CDC guidelines) (and common sense):
recent history of fever
cough or difficulty breathing
history of contact with anyone diagnosed with Covid 19
exposure to anyone who has Covid type symptoms (cough, fever, loss of taste or smell, etc.)
Dr. Blair was vaccinated with the Moderna vaccine on Dec 28, 2020, January 28, 2021 and November 6, 2021. The other providers in our location have also been fully vaccinated and boosted. Our first priority is your safety.
Cleaning Protocols:
Hand sanitizer is provided on entry.
When you fill out the intake form just pick a pen from the pen holder marked “clean” and then, when you are done, drop it in the pen holder marked “dirty”.
The table, head piece, and arm rest will have been sanitized before your treatment.
And, as always, I will be washing my hands before, during, and after your treatments.
Keyboards, clipboard, ipads, credit card machine, and any other items touched by a patient are cleaned between patient visits.
At night, and during lunch time, I’ll also do an additional deep clean of all surfaces.
We have multiple (3) air purifiers in the treatment room, as well as other purifiers throughout the office.
A HEPA filter with UV light is running at all times during patient visits.
Between each patient, the headrest is disassembled, sprayed with an alcohol solution, and then, after a few minutes, also wiped down with a Clorox wipe.
Stating the Obvious:
If you have a fever, cough, or know that you have been in direct contact with someone who has acquired the virus, then please cancel your appointment.
If you feel safer staying at home, that’s fine! Please just give as much notice as you can.
Stay Informed:
Please try to get your information from the CDC or WHO. NPR and the BBC tend to provide quality news without sensationalism. Save Facebook for cat photos!